A fictional world of talking pants, dealing with complex issues such as gentrification, and deep rooted corrumption. Join Denim, Cargo, Bullet Belt, and Scoop Dungaree as they go up against Mayor McPleets, Boot Cut, and the corrupt forces at City Hall.
Nearly completely over looked, a self help seminar called THE EVERYTHING unlocks an individuals ability to utilize collective intelegence to adopt others abilities. This almost super hero capablity drives Jack and Max his protege on a global scavenger hunt to save humanity.
IRA’S MICROBIOTA isn’t as healthy as ALICE’S. Focusing on the inner workings as the controlling force in our life, 3 friends find themselves stranded in a much cleaner healthier world after a human make out. In order to get back to their home human IRA, they must transform their new hosts inner workings and over all outlook.